A Prayer from Hosea 14

If you have not made a practice of contemplative prayer, read a bit here.  Jesus taught His disciples that abiding in His Word would be a catalyst for a flourishing prayer-life, an abiding life grows into “prayer without ceasing” and into a praying posture that is deeply rooted in God’s truth and love.  

A contemplative prayer from Hosea 14 mainly, but also hints of John 14-17 and various New Testament epistles (especially 2 Corinthians 4 and Ephesians).

O LORD, You have received me graciously!  You have lavished Your grace upon me!  Thank You!  To You alone be the glory!  

I will not trust in men, in politicians, in snarky know-it-all celebrities.  For in You alone is mercy–free mercy, mercy that never ends.  

You will ever love me freely!  Such knowledge is too wonderful.  Freely.  Unearned.  Nothing can separate me from Your love;  from Your hesed. You have drawn me into the love that the Trinity has shared from eternity. Oh, hallowed by Thy Name!

You will be like the dew to me–though my outer man is afflicted, perplexed and decaying–yet my inner man is being renewed!  You renew me, I am a grateful recipient.  I am Yours.

My hope is in You!  You will make me blossom like the lily, and take root like the cedars.  You have made me; You have recreated me In Christ.  True beauty and strength are in You, for me.

I want to be deeply rooted in Your love, and no other false source.

From You comes my fruit.  Apart from You I can do nothing.  But I know that Your Spirit dwells in me, I am Yours, I belong.  You will never leave me nor forsake me.

Come, Lord Jesus!!!

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