Prayer for the Humdrum

We need God’s power.  We can feel so powerless at times; we cannot control anything in this universe–not our families, our work situations, anything mentioned in the “news,” and least of all any children entrusted to us by the LORD.   We grow weary of what seems like the humdrum that is called “our life.” He calls almost all of His disciples to lead a quiet life, to be faithful to Him in that life, to freely shine the light He has shed into our hearts in whatever corner of this dark world we live in.  And His promises and power accompany us. We need only to run to Him in prayer:

You have told us we are “protected by your power for a salvation ready to be revealed,” we want to rest in that, and lead others to the peace that comes from resting in Your power (1 Peter 1:5).  Help us to be faithful in continually revealing the glory of Your salvation in our corner of the world, and in revealing the wonder of being Yours.

We want to work (that is, carry out a vocation, to parent, to serve in our local churches, to wash the dishes and fold the laundry and stack the firewood and prepare meals…, and fulfill any other calling) according to Your power working mightily within us (Colossians 1:29).  We are weak, but You have chosen us for this, we look to You for strength and endurance.

Your resurrection power is beyond our comprehension, yet we trust You to pour that very  life into us each day. Give us this day our daily bread–all that we need today to be who You have called us to be, and do it all for Your glory.  This is no small work, we know you are doing eternal good through every seemingly small obedience. Give us this day contentment in You that will sustain us.