“And our hope for you is firmly grounded, knowing…”
“He on whom we have set our hope.”
These phrases from 2 Corinthians 1 have been nourishing my soul this week. Paul knew the church members well enough to believe they had hope in Jesus, and that the hope was firmly grounded. Paul knew them enough to encourage them with these words. Oh, to have fellowship with believers who can speak this way to us! When our heads are spinning as we face trials, and perplexities, to have a sister speak these words of life over my weary soul is what I need.
He, that is Jesus, on whom we have set our hope. Our hope is not set upon getting what I ask for; or seeing circumstances play out a certain way; or reaching goals; or feeling as though we are nearing perfection in our spiritual journey… No, my hope is set on Jesus, and as Peter would go on to say–set on the grace to be brought to me from Jesus (1 Peter 1:13). Hope lifts our gaze off of the temporal, that we would look at the things that are unseen (see 2 Corinthians 4).
When my hope seems shaky, I will seek renewal from the Spirit, who will teach me my true hope, giving me understanding as I turn to the Word. When my hope is misplaced, and my heart sickened, I need to be reminded of “He on whom we have set our hope.” Let us remind one another, beloved! Let us preach the gospel to ourselves daily! Our comfort is not found in commiseration, but in His truth, His steadfast love, His nearness, His abiding in me and keeping me. Let us be quick to listen to one another, to pray for and with one another, and to steer clear of false hope. Let us comfort one another with true comfort.
What is your hope? Is your hope for fellow believers firmly grounded? How will you set your hope on Him as you go throughout your day/week/month/year…?
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