Contemplative Prayer for Helpers

It is a high calling to be a woman to the glory of God!  To be created in His image, to reflect to man that image, that the two sexes could look on and see in the other–not to attempt to do away with the difference between men and women but to truly see the two sexes as complimentary.  Has there been legalistic teaching on this?  Yes.  Has there been beautiful, good, rich teaching on this, throughout history?  Yes! Be wise and discerning without envying the other sex, grasping for something different, or clinging to pride and fear, FOMO.  Hold to the good teachings!  And encourage one another all the more to be to the praise of His glory, as He has created you!     

As women, we should be reminded often of our call to be Helpers and Lifegivers.  (and remember, lifesavers does not merely refer to bearing children). Below I offer you a bit of a contemplative prayer for helpers.  No matter what we face in this world, the LORD is our helper. We look to Him. To that end, a prayer to walk through,  that He would help us, and use us as helpers, as we train the next generation to both look to Him and join Him in His work:

O LORD, from where does our help come from? You alone. This is Your world, though what we see is fallen, broken, hurting. And often we see misunderstanding turn to hatred and spread like wildfire. Help!

You have created us to be “helpers” in Your own image. (Hebrew: Ezer, pronounced “ay-tzer”).

As the only true Helper, You defend us (Exodus 18:4); give us the strength and wisdom to defend our little ones, our neighbors, any person You put in our path. In this world we will have troubling times-but in them, let us feel Your presence, and walk with You.

As Helper You care for the oppressed (Psalm 10:14); may we care in both word and deed. Keep us back from shallow views of oppression–help us to shine forth Your Gospel without mixing in worldly concepts of ‘mercy’ and ‘justice.’  Show us how to be light and salt where we live, in our little corner of Your world.  Helps us crucify our old man, our ungodly desires, that we would not be so self-centered and easily driven astray.  Oh that our desires would glorify You and enable us to enjoy the life You’ve given us!  May we teach our children to be less self-centered so they too may care for the oppressed.

As Helper You support us (Psalm 20:2); may we support all our brothers and sisters in Christ, that our communities would be marked by caring and encouragement and support.  May we strengthen the feeble hands and knees of Your family, that we would stand firm in the faith together.  Let our children see that we need others, and that we are there for others–that they too may grow to hold others up, strengthen others, and speak out for their friends and neighbors, and accept the support they will need from Your people.

As Helper you shield and protect us (Psalm 33:20); we cannot always find the strength to join You in this–we are weak and perplexed. Grant us wisdom and compassion to see the needs around us. Grant us strength that we not grow weary. Show us how, in our homes and neighborhoods, to protect others from evil, from injustice, from knee-jerk reactions that will have far reaching consequences. Oh LORD, protect us from the evil one as he seeks to devour our homes and communities.

As Helper You comfort us (Psalm 86:17). LORD, send Your Spirit to fill us with Your true comfort. I admit I fret when I consider the circumstances our nation faces (though I know fretting leads only to evil, Psalm 37:8). I look to You, I trust You, You are still good, and still powerful. I will not trust in my own understanding, I will not trust in modern-day princes or chariots (Psalm 146:3-7). Open our hearts to receive this comfort, and open doors for us to share this comfort, in word and deed, with those around us.

Jesus, You are the Light of the World! The True Light chases away the darkness; and in You there is no darkness at all!  We will walk in Your Light, “as children of the Light” (Ephesians 5:8). Help us to raise our children to love Your Light, to shine Your light in our communities. Let Your Light open our eyes to see the beauty of being women to Your glory, shine that light to enlighten us as we face our fears and misunderstandings of womanhood.

“Send out Your Light and Your Truth!”  (Psalm 43) Your unchanging love, and unchanging truth.  We take shelter in Your Providence, and ascribe to You the glory due Your Name.